Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Exceptional News For Nokia Lumia 610

Exceptional news for Nokia Lumia 610 users – a brand new programming discharge is impending soon. 

Nokia Lumia 610
      This redesign (which is not the Windows Mobile Phone 7.8 upgrade you might have caught wind of) conveys enhanced framework exhibition, zoom lens exhibition, and ease of use. We think you’ll like it a mess! 

     The redesign could be taken off to diverse nations at distinctive times, so keep an eye out for a notice inform on your Lumia 610 that a programming overhaul is good to go. You’ll have the capacity to commission the overhaul utilizing the Microsoft Zune programming on your workstation. For additional qualified information about how to do this, head over to http://www.nokia.com/support and select “Lumia 610″. 

        Note that in the event that you as of late obtained a Lumia 610, you as of now have the aforementioned offers good to go. Lucky you – we know you’ll carry on to appreciate your Lumia.

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