Sunday, September 2, 2012

Samsung Galaxy S3 -Wireless Charger

When Samsung ran its Galaxy S3 launch video in London the mention of wireless charging piqued the audience’s interest. But the S3 still has no official wireless charger – so manufacturers are jumping at the chance to bring wireless charging to the GS3, and ZENS looks like it will be the first.
Galaxy S3 pics
The wireless charging specialists at Zens have announced that their charger will use a replacement back cover for your Galaxy S3 that comes in matching white or blue – and doesn't  increase size noticeably.
The charging plate itself has multiple induction coils meaning you can literally chuck your phone on it and it’ll charge in any position. Once it’s full the plate stops charging (to help your battery) and switches to low power stand-by (to help your bills and the environment).
The Zens Wireless Charger will be available from September for £54
Source of this News from: Samsung Galaxy S3 Price in Pakistan

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